Hang op or strained yoghurt is a way of getting liquid out of yoghurt which creates a thicker, labneh-like consistency, perfect for vegan desserts. This recipe combines it with a tangy blood orange compote and pecan crumble.
serves: 10
prep time about 40 minutes, strain yoghurt overnight
300 gr. coconut yoghurt
10 blood oranges
350 gr. coconut sugar
200 gr. pecans
300 gr. flour
250 gr. vegan butter
pinch of salt
special equipment:
cheesecloth or teatowel
food processor
to make the hang op, drape the cheesecloth over the sieve, which you put over a bowl that catches the liquid. Scoop the yoghurt into the cheesecloth and leave it ‘hang’ overnight.
for the compote, peel the oranges and supreme. Put them into a pan with 100 grams of sugar and let simmer for about 30 minutes, depending on the desired consistency.
the crumble is made by first roasting the pecans in the oven for 12 minutes at 180º celsius. Put the pecans in the food processor and pulse until fine but still coarse. Mix the pecans with the flour, butter, and the rest of the sugar and kneed. The consistency you’re after is when you try to shape the dough into a ball, it will just about fall apart. When this is achieved, spread the mix out onto a baking tray, making sure there are no big lumps. Bake it at 180º for about 20 minutes.
assemble with equal parts of the hang op, crumble, and compote. We dressed ours with edible flowers but micro basil and other herbs can work well. Enjoy!